Interior Comfort

Provide adequate ventilation to maintain indoor air quality

Provide a mechanical ventilation system

In cold climates, use a heat recovery ventilator; you’ll save energy, and the incoming air will be tempered for comfort

In hot, humid climates, an “energy recovery ventilator” is best: these systems take humidity out of the incoming air and transfer it to the exhaust stream, reducing the load on your air conditioner and improving your comfort

Control indoor humidity. High humidity levels can be unhealthy and can damage your building

Set your ventilation system to keep indoor humidity around 40%

Install exhaust fans in kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry rooms to expel moist air as needed

Install or use unvented combustion equipment. “Ventfree” gas logs, fireplaces, or heaters are not appropriate for an airtight SIP house

Use just passive ventilation; you will need a mechanical system to pull air through, as the building should be airtight

Let your humidity get too high without airflow; any airtight house with high humidity and low airflow will create mold

Hang up extremely heavy objects onto the wall without spreading anchors or additional reinforcement. Cabinets, for example, will likely need an additional sheet of plywood added to the SIP wall before installing